Organized by
The International Egyptian Representative Committee (ERC) Of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
under the auspices of the RCOG
Course Convenor
Dr. Wafaa B. Basta, FRCOG, ERC-RCOG Vice Chair.
Course Summary
The RCOG Basic Practical Skills course (BPS) is designed to introduce trainees to safe surgical techniques and obstetric clinical skills, in a structured workshop environment. The course is standardised to ensure common objectives, content structure and assessment methods are followed and can be linked to the RCOG Training Portfolio and OSATS.
DAY ONE: 31st July 2024
9.00am Welcome and Introduction
9.05am Handling instruments and knot tying (video, demonstration and practical) All facilitators
10.50am Suturing techniques (video and practical), interrupted and modified interrupted (including mattress and figure of eight) sutures, continuous and subcuticular suturing
12.20pm Abdominal entry (practical)
1.00pm Lunch
1.45pm Planning and giving instructions for the practical stations 5 minutes, the stations are then completed in 4 groups, each of the 4 stations lasts for 45 minutes
DAY TWO: 1st August 2024
8.30am Registration
9.00am Welcome back and plan for the day
9.05am Recognition of the deteriorating obstetric patient (lecture)
9.20am Episiotomy and perineal repair (lecture and videos)
9.40am Caesarean section and complications (video and lecture)
10.00am Assisted vaginal delivery (forceps/ventouse/kiwi)
10.20am Refreshments
11.00am Planning and giving instructions for the practical stations
5 minutes, the stations are then completed in 4 groups, each of the 4 stations lasts for 1 hour
01.00pm | Finish practical stations and reconvene
01.15pm | Summary and evaluation
01.30pm | Faculty debrief